Northern Italian Espresso
Northern Italian Espresso
Coffee served in Northern Italy is always lighter, brighter, and never falls short of impressive! Typically a light to medium roast, we developed our Northern Italian espresso to bring out the best qualities of the coffees that inspired our founder, Ric Brecheisen, to get into the coffee business. The result is a mellow and creamy espresso, perfect for those either new to drinking espresso, or those who enjoy sipping espresso plain.
Coffee Profile: Costa Rican, Guatemalan, and Ethiopian beans work together in making a flavorful and acidic coffee without sacrificing smoothness and balance. The mild profiles are great in making an classic espresso that is easy to drink.
Cupping Notes: mild-body, smooth, creamy, bright acidity, notes of caramel, vanilla, and honey
Body *** Aroma** Flavor*** Acidity***
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